Wolni i Solidarni
Wolni i Solidarni.
Między Ideą a Praktyką.
Socio-Political Quarterly,
Summer 2024, no 2(6)

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From the Editors,
Facts and Comments
Jerzy Żurko, The Central Communication Port – between Geopolitics and the Economy,
Dorota Heck, Larum: On changes in curricula of teaching Polish in schools,
David Darchiashvili, The Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence: Civilizational and Geopolitical Tension in and over Georgia,
Poland – but what Kind of Poland?
Jacek Matuszewski, Krzysztof Karoń and the Right of Laziness,
Ideas and Politics
Is Liberal Democracy Heading towards an Abyss? A discussion on the book "Świat na krawędzi Czy projekt liberalno-konstytucyjny sprosta wyzwaniom współczesności?" [The World on the Edge. Does the Liberal Constitutional Project Meet the Challenges of the Present], authored by Antoni Z. Kamiński and Bartłomiej Kamiński, in conversation with Lidia Godek-Ostrouch, Arkadiusz Lewandowski, and Marek Nowak.
Current History
Michal Valčo, Samuel Štefan Osuský’s Legacy in Fighting against Totalitarianism,
Monika Tresová, Rudolf Fiby – a Modest Fighter for Freedom,
Book Reviews
Zbigniew Kuźniar, Current Advice from a Medieval Politician,
Krzysztof Brzechczyn, The Place of Poland in Europe in the Oppositional Political Thought of the Late Polish People’s Republic,